Land Developer BDS (Leviev)

Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016
Third time we shut down the store. Our Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016

Press Coverage

The National


In an inventive legal action, two lawyers for the West Bank Palestinian village of Bi'ilin have filed a civil statement of claim against a pair of Jewish-owned Canadian construction companies building condominiums in the village for Israeli settlers.

Press Coverage

Huffington Post


Susan Sarandon has expressed surprising unwillingness to denounce her support for the Israeli Billionaire, Lev Leviev, who has been criticized by a variety of NGOs including Adalah-NY for his involvement in building settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Press Coverage

Inter Press Service News Agency


Having successfully lobbied the U.N. Children's Agency UNICEF to stop accepting donations from Israeli billionaire Lev Avnerovich Leviev, activists from Adalah-NY are urging celebrities who have made public appearances with Leviev to cut all ties with him.

Press Coverage

The National


Human rights protesters took to the streets in New York last week to continue their campaign against an Israeli billionaire who is suspected of building settlements in the occupied West Bank. Adalah-NY, a Jewish-Palestinian umbrella group of activists, vowed to maintain pressure on Lev Leviev, a real estate and diamond mogul who is one of the richest men in Israel, over his suspected activities in the West Bank and to prevent him from opening more Leviev diamond jewellery stores in Dubai.

Press Release

Click here for sources showing Boymelgreen ownership of Green Park

Click here for sources showing Danya Cebus contracted to build for Green Park


Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East
Media Contact:

For Immediate Release

Palestinians Sue Canadian Companies Owned by Shaya Boymelgreen for War Crimes
Lev Leviev’s Company Danya Cebus in Israeli Settlement Partnership with Boymelgreen

New York, NY, July 10, 2008 – Evidence gathered by Adalah-NY indicates that Brooklyn-based billionaire Shaya Boymelgreen owns the two little-known Canadian companies sued Wednesday for war crimes in Canada by the West Bank Palestinian village of Bil’in. Three Hebrew language Israeli media reports from 2005-2006 report that Boymelgreen owns the Green Park companies that are now being sued for $2 million in Quebec Superior Court for building and selling the Israeli settlements of Mattityahu East/Modi’in Illit on Bil’in’s land in violation of international law. The construction of Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory violates the Fourth Geneva Convention according to a broad international consensus.

Additional evidence gathered by Adalah-NY shows that, though not a target of the lawsuit, the Israeli company Danya Cebus, a subsidiary of Lev Leviev’s company Africa Israel, was contracted by Boymelgreen’s Green Park to execute the settlement construction. Billionaires Leviev and Boymelgreen were US partners from 2002 -2007

Adalah-NY spokesperson Riham Barghouti explained, “We applaud the lawsuit filed by Bil’in for holding businesses accountable for settlement construction and violations of Palestinian rights. We also believe that these well-known Israeli businessmen like Boymelgreen and Leviev, who often try to hide their involvement in Israeli settlement construction from the international community, need to be made known to the public and to their business associates.”

Press Release

Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East
Adalah-NY Contact:

For Immediate Release

On Fourth Anniversary of International Court Ruling, Protesters Call for Settlement-builder Lev Leviev to be Brought to Justice

New York, NY – Thirty human rights advocates held a spirited protest in the rain outside the Leviev jewelry store on Madison Avenue today, demanding that Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev be brought to justice for his companies' construction of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Many protesters held signs featuring a large cartoon mug shot of Leviev emblazoned with the words, “Wanted, Lev Leviev, For Violating International Law.”

The protest was held on the fourth anniversary of the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague, the world's highest legal body, that both Israeli settlements and the Wall Israel is building inside the West Bank to facilitate settlement expansion, violate international law. From Wednesday through Friday, similar demonstrations are being held in Palestinian towns like Jayyous and Bil’in that are directly affected by Leviev's illegal settlement construction.

Daniel Lang/Levitsky from Jews Against the Occupation, a member group in the Adalah-NY coalition, explained, “Our protest today is part of a growing worldwide movement to boycott and hold accountable Israeli businesses like those of Lev Leviev and his sometime partner Shaya Boymelgreen for abuses of Palestinian rights like settlement construction. We are also actively supporting people in Angola, Namibia and in New York City who are struggling against human rights abuses committed by Leviev’s companies.”

Press Coverage


The Panama Diamond Exchange expects serious growth potential for diamond trading and diamond jewelry sales in Central America. Exchange president Erez Akerman talks about these projections. Adalah-NY stages another protest on the doors of  Leviev Diamond on Madison Avenue. Larry Gordon, co-chair of Jewelers on the Fairway, discusses the group's upcoming golf tournament at Trump National in Briarcliff Manor, New York.
