Land Developer BDS (Leviev)

Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016
Third time we shut down the store. Our Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016

Press Release

Activists say Leviev violates UK positions against Israeli settlements



London, September 18, 2008 – Responding to media and Foreign Office statements, human rights advocates today called on the government of the United Kingdom to rule out renting space for the new UK embassy in Tel Aviv from Israeli billionaire and new London resident Lev Leviev. The companies of the controversial diamond and real estate magnate build Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory in violation of international law. The British government officially opposes settlement construction.

The respected Israeli financial journal Globes reported on July 29 that the UK would rent its new Tel Aviv Embassy from Leviev’s company Africa Israel. This was followed by a September 9 article in the Guardian’s Comment Is Free detailing Leviev’s extensive involvement in Israeli settlement construction, and then a letter-writing campaign to the Foreign Office launched by eight groups in the UK and worldwide. The Foreign Office has responded to letters with an email saying that, “no decision on a site has been taken and no leases have been signed,” and “settlements contravene international law.”

Press Coverage

Globes (Israel)


Translated by Adalah-NY from the Hebrew-only edition.

". . . .The British embassy’s decision to rent its new embassy building in Tel Aviv from Lev Leviev’s Africa-Israel sends a message from Britain about its position regarding settlements. So wrote the Guardian journalist Abe Hayeem in an op-ed published today (Tuesday) in the Guardian’s internet edition.

The journalist recalls that British prime minister Gordon Brown was quoted as saying to Abu Mazen during his last visit to Ramallah: 'We want to see a freeze on settlements. Settlement expansion has made peace harder to achieve. It erodes trust, it heightens Palestinian suffering, it makes the compromises Israel needs to make for peace more difficult.' According to Hayeem, locating the embassy in Leviev’s building sends the opposite message. . . ."


Press Coverage

DIamond World


The Rapaport International Diamond Conference 2008 held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City, turned out to be a collective platform for retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers to discuss current trends of the diamond industry and engage in knowledge sharing. The Adalah-NY came forth with strong protests against the billionaire diamantaire Lev Leviev, at the venue of the conference, hading out flyers outside the hotel.

From: Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine, the village of Bil’in, the village of Jayyous, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Palestinian Boycott National Committee (1), Adalah-NY, and Jews Against the Occupation

September 10, 2008 - The UK Guardian’s Comment Is Free posted an article on September 9, The wrong message to Israel, by Abe Hayeem, a founding member of Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine, calling on the UK government to revoke plans to rent its new embassy in Tel Aviv from Israeli-settlement mogul Lev Leviev. The UK's plan to rent space for the embassy from Leviev's company Africa Israel was reported on July 29 in the Israeli financial journal Globes. Please contact the UK’s Embassy in Tel Aviv, UK Consulate in Jerusalem, the Foreign Secretary and the Minister of State for the Middle East (contact info below) and demand that they take a firm stand against Israeli settlements and not reward Leviev with UK taxpayers’ money.

Press Coverage

The Guardian


The decision by the British government to rent space for our new embassy in Tel Aviv from the Africa-Israel Investments company chaired by businessman Lev Leviev sends precisely the wrong message.

Press Coverage

National Jeweler


Hundreds of jewelry industry players gathered at New York City's classic Waldorf-Astoria hotel on Monday for a modern view of the state of the diamond industry. Adalah-NY continued its campaign against billionaire diamantaire Lev Leviev, handing out flyers outside the hotel urging diamond industry players to "steer clear" of Leviev's businesses.

Press Coverage

The Electronic Intifada


While boycott and divestment campaigns in the West become more sophisticated and widespread, the Arab world’s longstanding boycott of Israel is being undermined by Arab governments, companies and businessmen. This attempt at no-concession normalization with Israel must be countered by all those working for justice in Palestine. The recent Adalah-NY campaign against Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev sheds light on the burgeoning relationship between Arab governments and businesses, and Israel.
