Land Developer BDS (Leviev)

Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016
Third time we shut down the store. Our Valentine's Day protest at Leviev NYC on Feb 6, 2016

Press Coverage

Women's Wear Daily


Guests at the Museum of the City of New York’s “New York After Dark” cocktails Tuesday night expecting the usual champagne concoctions and outdoor dancing found a surprise waiting for them. Posted outside the upper Fifth Avenue mansion was a vocal and incensed pack of 25 protestors from Adalah-NY — sans permit, according to one observer — complete with signs and a take-no-prisoners attitude.

Press Coverage

Daily Front Row


The Upper East Side social set had to travel a bit further north than usual to make it to the Museum of the City of New York’s "New York After Dark" gala, and when they arrived they were faced with something decidedly un-chic: a protest. Seems a group of chanting, sign-carrying protesters from Adalah-NY were not fans of sponsor Lev Leviev (of LEVIEV Extraordinary Diamonds), and wanted to make sure guests of the event knew.


Manhattan’s elite were aghast to be greeted this evening by 25 chanting protesters when they exited their SUVs and limos to attend a glitzy fundraiser sponsored by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev for the Museum of the City of New York. Leviev has been criticized for his businesses’ human rights violations and unethical practices in Palestine, Angola, Namibia and New York City.

Press Coverage



The British government's plan to rent new premises in a Tel Aviv skyscraper has sparked a wave of protests that their prospective landlord is a major participant in Jewish settlement-building in the West Bank, the London-based The Independent reported Saturday.



To the kind attention of:

MP David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary
MP Kim Howells, Minister of State for the Middle East
UK Ambassador Tom Phillips
Consul-General: Richard Edward Makepeace


Bruxelles, 19th September 2009

 All Excellencies,

According to an article in the British daily paper The Guardian, the British Foreign Service is currently planning to rent real estate in Tel Aviv from the Africa Israel Investments Company.

As you know this company is owned by Lev Leviev, whose investments are involved in the illegal settlements construction in West Bank, destroying Palestinian communities like in the villages of Jayyous, and Bil'in, and around Bethlem and Jerusalem.

Taking into consideration the fact that settlements construction in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, including East Jerusalem, is illegal according to the International law, as well as reiterated by the EU and the Quartet statements, and a clear violation of UN resolutions, I firmly support the appeal of Adalah -NY The coalition for Justice in the Middle East and other NGOs calling your Government not to rent any real estate from Lev Leviev's companies.

I am deeply convinced that the settlements expansion and its consequences (confiscation of Palestinian land, destruction of Palestinian olive groves, disintegration of Palestinian unity) represent not only a hard obstacle for the peace process but also the destruction of any chance for a sustainable peace for both Palestinians and Israelis.

Luisa Morgantini
Vice President of the European Parliament

Press Coverage

The Independent


We are alarmed to hear of Foreign Office plans to rent three floors in the Kirya Tower in Tel Aviv from African-Israel Properties Ltd for use as the British embassy. African-Israel Properties is chaired by Lev Leviev, who acts as a major settlement builder.

Press Coverage



The chosen location for the new UK embassy in Tel Aviv has proven controversial, with human rights activists arguing that it contravenes the country's policy towards Jewish colonies on Palestinian land.
