Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Ma'an News Agency


For nearly six weeks now Mohammed Othman, a prominent Palestinian activist and an outspoken advocate of the nonviolent boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, has been held in an Israeli military prison without charges. Othman's imprisonment also highlights a government intent on punishing Palestinians who speak out in international forums.

Press Coverage

Tablet Magazine


Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for the struggling New York Mets, the team now faces criticism from Adalah-NY and other human rights organizations for hosting a fundraiser for a right-wing, pro-Israeli settlement group at Citi Field.

Press Coverage



The New York Mets will allow the Hebron Fund to host its annual dinner at a club in the team's stadium despite a protest. Eleven organizations, including Adalah-NY, Jews Against the Occupation-NYC and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, had asked the Mets to cancel the Nov. 21 event at Caesar's Club in Citi Field.

Press Coverage

Inter Press Service News Agency


Israeli authorities are increasingly targeting and intimidating non-violent Palestinian grassroots activists involved in anti-occupation activities who are drawing increased support from the international community.

Press Coverage

Der Spiegel


Hundreds of Palestinians are kept behind bars in Israel without charges having been filed and with no access to a fair trial. Not even their lawyers are allowed to look at the evidence. Some governments in the West have expressed their concern, but the Israelis haven't budged.

Press Coverage

The Guardian


The plight of Palestinian activist Mohammad Othman has dominated the agendas of NGOs in the region ever since his detention in late September. However, while his case is at the forefront of their minds, Othman is just one of 11,000 Palestinian prisoners currently held in Israeli jails, 800 of whom are incarcerated under the terms of administrative detention – meaning that they are imprisoned indefinitely without any charges brought against them.

Press Coverage

Ma'an News Agency


Some 40 rights advocates, including members of Adalah-NY, rallied at the Madison Ave. jewelry store of Israeli settlement mogul Lev Leviev in New York City on Saturday, demanding that Israel release jailed Palestinian activist Mohammad Othman.

Press Coverage

The Forward


Though certainly not the cause of his financial collapse, for the past two years, activists including Adalah-NY have singled out Lev Leviev as one of their high-profile villains for his large contributions to West Bank settlements. And they have been effective gadflies. The pro-Palestinian activists are affiliated with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, an international coalition with the goal of isolating and discomfiting Israel just as South Africa’s apartheid regime was targeted in the 1980s.

Press Coverage

Adnkronos International


Fifty-nine clients from a US-based financial services and retirement firm have called for it to divest from a company involved in the construction of Israeli settlements and owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev. The TIAA-CREF clients made the appeal in an open letter published by Adalah-NY, a non-governmental organisation involved in a campaign calling for divestment against Israel.
