Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Evening Standard


A blow for Russian-born Israeli diamond billionaire Lev Leviev, who moved to London for tax reasons just over a year ago: the British embassy in Tel Aviv has decided not to move into his tower block.

Press Coverage

YnetGulf News


Embassy calls off plans to move to building partly owned by Billionaire Lev Leviev, who's believed to be involved in construction projects in settlements. Embassy's plans to relocate prompted wave of protest several months ago.

Press Coverage

The Telegraph


The British embassy in Israel has cancelled plans to relocate to new offices because one of the owners is believed to be involved in building Jewish settlements, it was disclosed yesterday, as Hillary Clinton said Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem were of "deep concern".

Press Coverage

The Palestine Chronicle


It is heart-warming to see Jews around the world defy ruthless criticism and accusations of betrayal by supporting the Palestinians in their demands for an independent state of their own. Just this week, we read about Adalah-NY, who joined forces with Jews against the Occupation NYC to sing Christmas carols in freezing weather while handing out leaflets informing passersby of Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev’s financing of illegal settlement construction and land theft in Palestine.
