Cultural Boycott

Tamar-kali with her band and special guest Sonny Singh at "Palestine Calling"
Brooklyn vocalist and composer Tamar-kali with her band and special guest Sonny Singh at our "Palestine Calling" event on November 14th, 2015.

Press Coverage



All is not well in the literary world.

That could be true at any moment of any day, sure, but this week has been especially tumultuous. Maybe that’s not accurate, either, because the letter that’s causing headlines (like this one!) was actually sent in March, though it’s only just now been made available to the public.

Press Coverage

Der Spiegel


Die Pulitzerpreis-Gewinner Alice Walker, Richard Ford und Junot Díaz zählen zu den Unterzeichnern eines offenen Briefes, der sich an die amerikanische Sektion der internationalen Schriftstellervereinigung PEN richtet.

Darin fordern die über 100 Unterzeichner, dass das US-PEN-Zentrum die Unterstützung der israelischen Botschaft ablehnen solle, die zu den Sponsoren des jährlich vom PEN-Zentrum ausgerichteten Festivals World Voices zählt.

Press Coverage



More than 100 prominent writers and literary figures have written to PEN American Center, urging it to reject Israeli support for a festival in New York at the end of this month.

In a letter published online, they have denounced the Israeli embassy’s sponsorship of PEN’s seven-day annual World Voices Festival (PWVF).

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The Alternative Information Center


On Tuesday April 5, Adalah-NY made public a letter signed by 10 anti-racist organizations and over 100 writers calling on the PEN American Center “to reject support from the Embassy of Israel” for PEN’s annual World Voices Festival, which runs from April 25-May 1 2016 in New York City.

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Over 100 writers have penned a letter calling on the PEN American Center to reject support from the embassy of Israel, The Guardian reported Wednesday.

Writers including Pulitzer Prize winners Alice Walker and Junot Díaz wrote an angrily worded letter opposing the Israeli embassy’s sponsorship of PEN’s annual World Voices Festival (PWVF).

Press Coverage

The Weekly Standard


Israel has contributed money to PEN American Center’s World Voices Festival to help pay for expenses related to invited Israeli writers. Unsurprisingly, this has sent Alice Walker and 100 other writers into a tizzy: "As a PEN member, I want this organization that is supposed to be a champion of writers' rights to stand up for Palestinian writers, academics and students who are suffering under a repressive Israeli regime that denies their right to freedom of expression.

Press Coverage



Some 100 writers, including Pulitzer Prize-winning Alice Walker, Richard Ford, and Junot Diaz, are urging the PEN American Center to deny any support from Israel as it denies “basic rights to the Palestinian people.”

The writers sent an impassioned letter to PEN America in March, but only now has it been published. PEN American Center, created in 1922, is a group aiming to promote literature and support literary fellowship.

Press Coverage

National Review


Among the sponsors of the PEN American Center’s annual World Voices Festival, set for New York City at the end of the month, is the Israeli embassy. As you might expect, that has a number of literary types in a fit. Led by Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel, more than 100 writers have signed onto a letter calling for PEN to dump the embassy.

Press Coverage

Middle East Eye


PEN American Center, which describes itself as “the US branch of the world’s leading international literary and human rights organisation,” has chosen to align, once again, with the government of Israel, one of the world’s most persistent abusers of human rights. It has accepted funding for the annual World Voices Festival from the Israeli embassy as part of the Brand Israel programme, a government pubic relations initiative launched in 2005 that uses cultural productions to distract from Israel’s well-documented and systematic destruction of Palestinian life.
