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Press Release
What: Street protest for divestment from Israel's occupation, with creative chants and songs
Why: July 19th is the day of TIAA-CREF's annual shareholders' meeting, held this year in Charlotte, NC. As part of a national campaign, human rights activists in cities across the US will protest to ask retirement-fund giant TIAA-CREF to divest from the Israeli occupation. TIAA-CREF's motto is "For the Greater Good," but this year, TIAA-CREF leadership refused to allow a shareholder resolution for divestment from Israeli occupation to be placed on the ballot at the annual shareholder meeting. Tell TIAA-CREF they can't escape the call for divestment!
For more information, visit
Organized by Adalah-NY: The NY Campaign for the Boycott of Israel; CODEPINK-NYC; Jewish Voice for Peace - NYC; Jewish Voice for Peace - Westchester; Brooklyn For Peace; WESPAC Foundation; Women in Black, Union Square; Jews Say No!