Leviev Grand Opening Protest

Press Coverage

National Jeweler


Protestors plan to demonstrate outside Leviev's new U.S. flaghsip store in New York City for the second time in a week in response to company founder Lev Leviev's alleged projects in the West Bank and New York. The protest is being organized by Adalah-NY: Coalition for Justice in the Middle East.

Press Coverage

National Jeweler


Protests escalated outside Leviev in New York City on Tuesday as Adalah-NY, a Palestinian interest group, continued its call for a boycott of Israeli diamond magnate Lev Leviev's new Madison Avenue store.

Press Coverage



In New York, the Leviev diamond store opens on Madison Ave., and protesters from Adalah-NY gather to express their views.

Grand Opening Protest


Join us to PROTEST Lev Leviev’s new jewelry store opening


700 Madison Avenue at 62nd St.

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20th, 4:30 to 6:00 PM

Every purchase of LEVIEV’S diamonds supports:


· Violations of International Law


Lev Leviev’s Africa-Israel company builds Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank, occupied by Israel since 1967. Israeli settlements violate international law and have even been criticized by Israel’s strongest ally, the U.S. government.


· Destruction of Communities


Africa-Israel builds on land belonging to Palestinian farmers, threatening their ability to survive and remain in their homes. The settlements where Leviev is active or has built homes – Mattityahu East, Tzufim, Har Homa, Maale Adumim and Ariel – seize vital Palestinian water and agricultural resources. They also carve the West Bank into disconnected Bantustans, destroying hopes for a viable Palestinian state. Palestinian residents of Bil’in have gained worldwide recognition for their non-violent campaign in partnership with Israeli activists protesting illegal confiscations of their land for Mattityahu East.


· Irresponsible Development in NYC


Here in NYC, Leviev and his former partner Shaya Boymelgreen (who also profits from illegal Israeli settlement construction) have demonstrated a similar disregard for local low-income communities and the law. Leviev and Boymelgreen employ underpaid, non-union workers in hazardous conditions and have violated housing codes to construct luxury apartments that displace low- and moderate-income residents in Brooklyn, provoking The Laborer’s Union and ACORN to launch a campaign against their abuses.


Boycott Leviev's Diamonds


Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East www.adalahny.org


Event Location: 

Leviev NYC
700 Madison Ave. Between 62nd and 63rd Sts
New York , NY

Event Date: 

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm

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