Occupation Is Not Green

While SodaStream claims to be environmentally friendly, the reality is that the company is complicit in the environmental destruction Israel's military occupation has brought to Palestine. By promoting its product as beneficial to the environment, the company hopes to gain allies and distract from, or greenwash, its complicity in Israel's human rights abuses and violations of international law.

Ma’aleh Adumim, the illegal settlement home to SodaStream, “manages” the infamous Abu Dis landfill, where more than 1,100 tons of waste from Jerusalem and Israeli settlements are dumped every day onto Palestinian land. The Israeli Ministry of Environment Protection has stated that the landfill is “the most polluting waste disposal site in the country.” A Palestinian university research team has documented soil and water contamination as well as toxic gases in the air.

In April 2014, activists successfully mobilized against SodaStream’s greenwashing of apartheid by pressuring the Earth Day Network to dissociate itself from the company. In response, PENGON, the Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network, stated: "We are happy to see that Earth Day Network cut ties with the Israeli settlement manufacturer SodaStream. Israeli occupation and its settlement enterprise are not environmentally friendly. On the contrary, they are based on the pillage of our land and deplete and pollute our water resources. Over the last 40 years, Israeli occupation has cut hundreds of thousands of trees to make space for their colonization. We call on all environmental organizations and activists to stand with us against the Israeli occupation and its systematic large scale destruction of our land."

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